5 Tips To Eat Mindfully During The Holidays

The holidays are a time for celebration with family and friends, but they can also be a time of overindulgence. Here are 5 tips to help you eat mindfully during the holidays:

  1. Make a plan.

Before you go to a party or get-together, decide what you’re going to eat and how much. This will help you stay mindful of what you’re eating and avoid overindulging.

  1. Slow down.

When you’re eating, take your time and savor the flavors and textures. This will help you enjoy your food more and eat less.

  1. Avoid distractions.

Don’t eat while you’re watching TV or working on the computer. This can lead to mindless eating and overindulging.

  1. Pay attention to your body.

If you’re full, stop eating. Don’t eat just because there’s food in front of you. Listen to your body and eat only until you’re comfortably full.

  1. Be mindful of your overall diet.

The holidays are a time to indulge but don’t forget to balance out your diet with healthy foods. Make sure you’re getting plenty of fruits and vegetables, and don’t overindulge in unhealthy foods.


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