How To Provide Reassurance And Help Ease The Angst Of Someone With Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease. For people who experience anxiety, everyday activities can be a challenge. Here are five ways to provide reassurance and help ease the angst of someone with anxiety:

  1. Understand their anxiety. It’s important to understand what triggers the person’s anxiety. Is it a specific situation, place, or person? Knowing what sets off the anxiety can help you provide support.
  2. Be there for them. When the person is feeling anxious, be there for them. Offer a listening ear and let them talk about their feelings.
  3. Offer reassurance. Reassure the person that their anxiety is normal and that they can overcome it. Let them know that you support them and are there for them.
  4. Help them stay calm. When the person is feeling anxious, help them stay calm. This may include deep breathing exercises or relaxation techniques.
  5. Encourage them to seek help. If the person’s anxiety is impacting their daily life, encourage them to seek help from a mental health professional.


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