Dealing With Mental Illness

Dealing With Mental Illness

Mental illness is stigmatized because it is seen as a personal weakness or a character flaw. People with mental illness are often seen as being dangerous or unstable. This is not true. Mental illness is a medical condition that should be treated like any other illness.

There are many resources available for people with mental illness. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is a national organization that provides support and education for people with mental illness and their families. NAMI also has chapters in every state.

There are also many websites and books that provide information about mental illness. The website provides information about mental illness and how to find help.

There are many types of medicines available for people with mental illness. Some people choose to take medicines, and some people choose to take alternatives to medicine. There are many types of alternative therapies, and each person should discuss the options with their doctor.

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